Castor and Ailsworth Pre-School is an established rural setting based in the Village Hall and serves the local community of Castor, Ailsworth, Marholm, Sutton and Upton, but also welcomes children from surrounding areas.
The Pre-School has good links with Castor primary school and the Village Community. We enroll children from 2 years.
Affiliated to Pre-School is the ‘Tippy Toes’ group that runs each Tuesday morning between 9.15-10:45 am, during term time. Children from birth upwards can come with their parent/carer, to play, socialise with other children and familiarise themselves with the setting.
We are voluntarily managed by an elected committee of parents and run under the guidelines of a constitution. We are a non-profit making Pre-School holding charitable status and are approved by OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education).
Under the Government funding scheme, all children that attend our setting are entitled to use their 15 hours per week funded childcare from the term following their 3rd birthday. Parents who qualify will also be allowed to use the additional 15 hours a week funding from that time. This means many parents will get 30 hours a week funding. For eligible working families children from 2 years old can also receive 15hrs of funding.
• Provide high quality care and education for children below statutory school age.
• Work in Partnership with parents/carers to help children learn and develop.
• Add to the life and well-being of our local community
• Offer children and their parents a service which promotes equality and values diversity.
Parents are regarded as members of our setting who have full participatory rights. These include a right to be:.
• Valued and respected
• Kept informed
• Consulted
• Involved; and
• Included at all levels
The views, support and involvement of all parents/carers is a much valued part of our Pre-School.
As a member of our Pre-School your child:
• Is in a safe and stimulating environment.
• Is given care and attention.
• Has the chance to join with other children and adults to live, play, work and learn together.
• Is helped to take forward his/her learning and development by being helped to build on what he/she already knows and can do.
• Has a Key Worker who makes sure they make satisfactory progress.
• Is in a setting which sees you as a partner in helping your child to learn and develop.
• Is in a setting in which parents help to shape the service it offers.
Breakfast session
8.30-9.00 Breakfast Club
Morning session
9.00 - 9:15am Arrival and Registration time
9am - 10am free play & settling in time.
10.00-10.20 Snack time – everyone comes together for a drink and snack, group discussions and singing.
10.20-11.30 Free play & planned adult led activities.
10 minute 'Tidy up time together'
11.40 - 12pm Group session and prepare for lunch or home time.
Afternoon session
12.00 - 1.00 Lunch time
1.00 - 2:20 Free play & planned adult led activities
10 minute 'Time up time together'
2.30 - 2.50 Afternoon snack and drink time
2.50 - 3.00 Getting belongings ready for home time
3.00 - 3.30 Group time activities (singing, stories, games ...)
3 - 3.30pm Home time period
Activities from outside agencies through the week can include Sports Instructor. Sign Language. Dance & Drama lessons. This is not a continual provision.
Every Tuesday 9:15-10:45am
This is run by the committee and is a friendly group of parents/carers that can meet with their 0-3 year olds and have a chat and a tea or coffee. When feasible, the group comes together with the preschool staff and children for parachute songs/games at the end of the session.
This group is open to all and there's no need to book, you can just come along. The session cost £2.50 per adult and children are free. Please ring the preschool if you'd like more information.